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Detailed Knowledge Of Characteristics, Application And Introduction Of High Quality Nickel Screen


Suitable for alkaline, acidic, neutral fluids and solid filtration of nickel  screen

High-quality nickel screen has the following characteristics:

    1.Extremely strict tolerances

    2.Minimum surface tension

    3.Reliable and smooth hole wall

    4.Excellent edge sensitivity

nickel screen

Our customers have successfully applied nickel screen to demanding projects. It has good ductility, corrosion resistance, thermal conductivity, and conductivity, and can be used in various applications. Our electroformed nickel screen mesh is used for aerospace, mass spectrometry, separation, and separation. If you are looking for pure nickel mesh, we will assist you in making the mesh that best suits your project needs.

The advanced application of electroforming is very extensive. Nickel screen mesh is used in various electroforming applications. This is because electrodeposited nickel screen is durable, hard and resistant to general corrosion, erosion, and deformation. By changing the plating conditions, the mechanical properties of the plating process change in a wide range.

Application of electroformed nickel screen:

    1.Textile printing window

    2.Parts for rocket thrust chamber, nozzle, and motor housing

    3.Dies and molds for the production of automobile handrails and equipment panels

    4. Leave a gramophone record by message

    5.Video Disc, Digital and Audio Disc

    6.Mesh products for fabricating porous battery electrodes

    7.Filter and Shaver Screen

    8.optical element

    9.Bellows, Radar Waveguide

Introduction to nickel screen

Nickel screen follows the plating process to produce components. The process includes the following steps:

Making spindle for nickel screen

The mandrel is kept in an appropriate nickel screen solution and the metal is electrodeposited on the mandrel.

After receiving the required deposited metal thickness, the metal-covered mandrel is removed from the solution.

Separation of the mandrel from electrodeposited metal

Spindle and Material

The spindle may be a conductor or an electrical insulator, permanent, partially permanent or consumable. Current conduction or insulation describes the procedures required to prepare the spindle for nickel screen.

Conductive mandrels are pure metals or alloys and are manufactured by ordinary procedures, and thin separation layers are required to provide separation between the electroformed mandrels and mandrels. The insulator conducts electricity by spraying a thin metal layer (usually silver) on the surface. The thin silver layer can easily separate the electroforming from the mandrel.

Permanent conductive mandrel

Austenitic stainless steel, copper, brass, traditional steel, ink steel, Kovar alloy, and pure nickel screen

Consumable Conductive Core Shaft

Aluminum and its alloys and zinc-based alloys

Insulating mandrel

Wax, plastics, glass, wood, and leather

Electroforming process of nickel screen

Nickel screen plating solutions are usually used for electroforming, such as concentrated nickel screen, with or without reagents, called watts. The advantage of using a nickel sulfamate solution is that it has slight internal stress and high concentration, especially in concentrated solution.

Watt Solution: A watt bath consisting of nickel screen sulfate, nickel screen chloride, and boric acid provides a glossy, tension-sensitive nickel screen accumulation. The solution is economical and widely used in electroforming process.

Nickel sulfate was used as the main source of nickel screen ion in Watts solution. The solution conductivity increases with the increase of nickel screen chloride, which has a positive effect on the uniformity of cathode metal distribution. Boric acid was treated as a buffer to monitor the pH of the cathode-solution junction. The wetting agent is very important to prevent pitting corrosion caused by air contact and hydrogen bubbles.

It should be noted that the internal stress of nickel screen electroforming may be limited by organic reagents. Standard decompressors are p-xylene, sulfonamide, diphenyl m-benzene disulfonate, etc.

Characteristics of Electroformed Nickel Screen

The mechanical properties of electroformed nickel screens are controlled by several factors, such as pH, temperature, and cathode current density. Solution elements, their concentration in a specific order of magnitude and a small number of metal contaminants affect the mechanical properties of the electroforming network. These properties are interrelated, and steps are taken to improve the hardness of electroformed products usually increase their strength and reduce their ductility. The refined crystal structure is obtained by increasing hardness and tensile strength and reducing ductility.

Mechanical properties, especially elongation or ductility, are affected by the thickness of the electroforming mesh. As the mesh thickness increases to 250 microns, the ductility increases and then becomes almost stable.

The ultimate tensile strength varies with the thickness of a nickel screen, but it becomes constant when the thickness exceeds 250 um. The strength of compacted sediments is almost equal to that of compacted sediments. High-temperature annealing significantly reduces the tensile strength, but this reduction is much greater than that of compacted sediments. Compared with the ultimate tensile strength, significant differences were observed in ductility and thickness. The ductility of the two kinds of laminates was improved by annealing at 371 ~C, but the ductility of the tensile stress laminates was improved by annealing at 760 ~C, but the ductility of the compressive stress component was reduced.

Electroforming Control Of Nickel screen

The required electroforming requires specific control of electrolyte purity and variables - pH, current density, temperature and stirring. It is equivalent to the control of decorative nickel plating. Common problems in electroforming include monitoring metal dispersion, internal stress, hardness, and joint formation. Adding elements can support a small part of overcoming these complications, but their content should be strictly controlled.

Metal dispersion

Current distribution describes the change of accumulated metal thickness at different locations. The current density and cumulative rate of metals projected from the surface to the depression area will be smaller, which will lead to uneven metal accumulation in several cases. It can be controlled by reducing current density, increasing separation space between anode and cathode, increasing bath pH, temperature and metal concentration.

Internal pressure

Internal stress control is imperative in the electroforming process. It points out that the force generated in electrodeposition is due to electrolytic crystallization and co-deposition of pollutants such as hydrogen, sulfur and other substances. Force can be of the type of tension or compression. When electroforming is removed from the mandrel, strong stress may cause damage to the electroforming, eliminate the complexity of the electroforming network from the mandrel, and remove the bending and bubbling of electroforming and deposits on the mandrel at an early stage, which is usually a sign of high compressive stress.


Conditions leading to rough decorative coatings will have more adverse effects on electroforming operations. Nuggets and trees will form. These are areas with high current density. The greater the current they receive, the faster they develop, and the more they can steal the sediment around them. As a result, the filtration rate used in electroforming is very high to avoid roughness, which can be the rate at which the whole solution passes through the filter one or more times per hour.

The electroforming dies for developing compact disc is produced in the cleanroom under specific cleaning conditions. Anode particles may also produce irregularities, which can be controlled by anode bags and diaphragms, with higher filtration rate and cathodic stirring.

Post-electroforming procedure

After electroforming, the program is mechanical processing, the final finishing of electroforming, removing electroforming and spindle support network.

Application of Electroforming Network

Electroformed nickel screen mesh products have a wide range of applications, such as textile printing screen or rotary screen roller, for the development of multi-color patterns on textiles, wallpaper, and carpets. Many printing screens are seamless electroformed cylinders made of nickel with fine and precise holes. These designs are made on the nickel screen by photolithography, which can close some openings while maintaining the freedom of other openings. The mesh is mounted on the color supply tube of the rotary fabric printing machine, which is located inside and concentric with the larger screen. By keeping the magnetic rollers on the screen, the color is driven through the open mesh area. Each screen provides monochrome, and the machine consists of about 12 different grid screens to generate complex and comprehensive designs.

Advanced production includes continuous electroforming of porous materials for the production of battery electrodes. It consists of stacking nickel on a woven plastic fiber net formed by electroplating on the plastic and separating the spindle after heating and electroplating. However, no details are specified. Active nickel screen hydroxide impregnated porous mesh can be used to produce nickel-cadmium batteries.

Electroformed nickel screen meshes are also used as filters, screens and razor screens.

Watt Solution: A watt bath consisting of nickel sulfate, nickel chloride, and boric acid provides matte nickel and tension-sensitive accumulation. This solution is affordable and widely used in the electroforming process.

Nickel sulfate is the main source of nickel ion in tile solution. The conductivity of the solution increases with the increase of nickel screen chloride, which has a positive effect on the uniformity of cathode metal distribution. Boric acid is used as a buffer to monitor the pH value of cathode-solution bonding. Moisturizers are important to prevent the sting caused by exposure to air and hydrogen bubbles.

Please note that the internal stress of nickel screen electroforming may be limited by organic reagents. Standard pressure relief valves are p-xylene, sulfonamide, diphenyl mesylate, etc.

Properties of Electroformed Nickel Screen

The mechanical properties of electroformed nickel screen are controlled by many factors such as ph, temperature, and cathode current density. Elements in solution, their concentration in a certain order of magnitude and a small number of metal contaminants will affect the mechanical properties of the electroforming network. These properties are interrelated. Measures to improve the hardness of electroforming products usually increase their strength and reduce their ductility. The fine crystal structure was obtained by increasing hardness and tensile strength and reducing ductility.

Mechanical properties, especially the percentage elongation or ductility, are affected by the thickness of the electrical forming network. As the thickness of the mesh increases to 250 microns, the ductility increases and then becomes almost stable.

The maximum tensile strength varies with the thickness of a nickel screen but remains unchanged when the thickness exceeds 250 um. The resistance of compacted sediment is higher than that of compacted sediment, almost equal. High-temperature annealing greatly reduces the tensile strength, but this reduction is far greater than the compaction of sediments. Compared with the maximum tensile strength, ductility and thickness have significant differences. The baking paste can increase two modes to 371 C, but plasticity baking paste at 7.6 C can improve the traction and contradiction of plasticity, but compression can reduce the plasticity of voltage components.

Electrical Formation Control

The required electrical formation requires specific control of electrolyte purity and variables such as ph, current density, temperature, and stirring. This is equivalent to controlling decorative nickel screen plating. Common electroforming problems include monitoring metal diffusion, internal stress, hardness, and joint formation. Adding elements can overcome these complexities to some extent, but its content must be strictly controlled.

Metal dispersion

Current distributions describe changes in metal thickness accumulated at different locations. The current density and accumulation rate of metals from the surface to the depression area will decrease, which will lead to uneven accumulation of metals in some cases. It can be controlled by reducing current density, increasing the gap between anode and cathode, increasing bath ph, temperature, and metal concentration.

Internal pressure

Internal stress control is indispensable in the electroforming process. He pointed out that the force produced in the electrodeposition process was caused by electrolytic crystallization and co-deposition of pollutants such as hydrogen and sulfur. Force can be squeezed or compressed. When the central axis electroforming does not exist, strong pressure can damage electroformacing, eliminate the complexity of the central axis electroformed network, and eliminate the bending, foam deposits electroforming, N and the core of the early stage, usually a symbol of pressure and great pressure.


Conditions leading to rough decorative coatings will have more adverse effects on electroforming operation. Gold nuggets and trees will form. These are areas with high current density. The greater the current they receive, the faster they grow and the easier they are to steal from the surrounding sediments. Therefore, the filtering speed used in electroforming is very high to avoid roughness, which can be the speed at which the whole solution passes through the filter once or more per hour.

Under certain cleaning conditions, the electroforming dies for the disc was produced and developed in the cleanroom. Anode particles can also produce irregularities, which can be controlled by anode bags and diaphragms. The cathode can filter and stir faster.

Follow-up Electrical Formation Process

The procedures after electroforming are processing, electroforming, final processing, electroforming elimination, and central support network.

Application of Electric Forming Network

Electroformed nickel screen products have a wide range of applications, such as textile printing screen or rotary screen, for the development of color patterns on textiles, wallpaper, and carpets. Many printing nets are seamless electroformed cylinders made of nickel with fine and precise holes. These designs are done on the screen by lithography, which closes some openings while maintaining the freedom of other openings. The mesh hole is installed on the color feeding tube of the rotary fabric printing machine. The color feeding tube is equipped with the color feeding tube and concentric with the larger screen. The color is driven by keeping the magnetic roll in an open grid area on the screen. Each display provides only one color, and the machine consists of about 12 different grid displays to produce a complex and complete design.

Advanced production includes continuous electroforming of porous materials to produce battery electrodes. It includes stacking nickel in braided plastic fiber mesh formed by electroplating on plastics and separating the spindle after heating and electroplating. However, details were not specified. Active nickel hydroxide impregnated porous network can be used to produce nickel-cadmium batteries.

Electroformed nickel meshes are also used as filters, screens and razor screens.

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